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i need help .....i hope this does
Posted by: 1st asst calif ( fresno, usa ) on July 27, 1999 at 11:12:18:

i know it seems bad but heres the key ...okay? obviously your manager hasnt developed any training program or else youd already be working the back booth . part of the problem is because your 16 your availability is limited once school starts ..now that doesnt mean that you shouldnt get hours now ...ive got a 17 year old that i scheduale as many hours i can a week and hes my star back drive person try talking to some of the managers around and get a feel of what they think of you ....maybe they feel that you dont want hours i know that sounds funny but i mean lets face it the squeeky wheel gets the grease.....pardon the pun :) i know that the employees that are always coming to me for hours i try to help out ...but im also fair and spread the hours evenly :)tell them how you want to try something new ...make it an everyshift thing ...with the scheduals being done by computer they usually will pick up the employees with the most knowledge in the store to work ......dont give up and if it doesnt work out at that maccas try transfering to another .. a transfer is alot easier:) good luck

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