- McJobs and Workers -
Training? They are supposed to train you at McD's?
Posted by: McHatred ( UK ) on July 05, 1999 at 13:43:30:
In Reply to: McDonald's has the best invaluable training!! posted by Chris on November 28, 1998 at 20:11:20:

Training? They are supposed to train you at McD's? When I went there for my first ever job I got 1 morning of so-called training and another new employee had 1 just hour. Needless to say I didn't last five minutes and the experience left my confidence shattered.: All of you low life complainers may just sit there and say " oh no, this job is too too much crap for me, I must find a new job" Then find one!! No one has time to sit here and listen to your pathetic complaining. Quit if you don't like it man!! If you have a real, ethical and moral problem with this place, take it up with head office, what do you think the PAL program is? For your rights!! But come on, this training is invaluable. I have been there for a few years now, and I tell you, I have learned more with this job than any other job I have had in my life. You learn so much about communications and marketing, all it takes is a little positive energy and a positive attitude, and your well on your way to success. But, if you are the type of lazy person, who is used to standing around on their butt all day, then so be it, don't learn! : You are taking your training for granted!!

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