- McJobs and Workers -
Poor Obi I Salute You!!!
Posted by: Tommy Mudraker ( Harmon Indian ) on June 14, 1999 at 10:41:08:
In Reply to: The Down Fall, of a McManager and his career..... posted by Obi Wan Kenobi on June 13, 1999 at 03:41:08:

. I am proud. If you have anything to say, write me. : ~Obi Wan Kenobi Dear Obi I saw this comming as I've said several times in my previous texts about the young burger boys, Josher and Shaun. These youngsters are the backbone of this machine who preys on the young foolish wanna-bes who become key holders to this organization I call Mcnasty's. Ray Krook wants people like you who the coporate (fools) can use to finance thier mansions and new cars. I'm just glad this ended when it did so you can be healed!! Your not alone, thier are thousands just like who have been used and overworked for the advantage of the corporate fools. Mcfilthy's has the HIGHEST turn over rate in the industy bar-nun. They prey on youngster likeyourself with litle promotions here and thier and then the big moment where you arfe presented the KEYS and responsible for the operation. Its a people business and it takes a mature person to deal with all the everday problems that can occur. If you read Joshers text you can understand the immature mind of this teenager and the thought of him in charge of a million dollar unite scares me to death!!! Good luck in your future you have made a wise decision on moving away from the playground.

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