- McJobs and Workers -
Don't burn yourself, don't sue me!
Posted by: Hugh Morris ( Howard Stern for President, USA ) on June 09, 1999 at 17:23:16:
In Reply to: ansul posted by crewtrainer on June 09, 1999 at 10:59:06:

: I was told that crew members could be sues 2.2 million dollars for pulling the ansul in the kitchen if they dont seek permission first. : what i wanna know is do they think we are actually gonna ask for permission if we cath on fire/Now, does anyone believe a crew member actually has $2.2 million? They can award a judjment, but they can't make you pay. There is a passage in the German Army manual that roughly translates: "When marching across a stream, if the water becomes too deep to march across, you are to begin swimming without waiting to be told." Heil,
Hugh Morris

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