i'm sure that you work very hard at your job. i was once a fast food worker like you, and i was financially well off, no worries whatsoever.thaat's fine if you only seek to make enough money , and in some cases, like if you have a child to raise, a fast food joint may be the most convenient for you.
your friends who've gone to college are looking for more than just a pay check. they have gone out of their ways to become knowledgable in an area that holds alot of interest for them. if they were looking for just money, don't you think they would have joined you by now?
fast food does not hold alot of meaning to most people. even to the people who eat the food. how much personal gratification to you get from preparing big macs?do your really feel a sence of accomplishment at the end of each day? sure, you beat last weeks sales, but that money isn't meant for you. your just a part of the machine, just like the inanimate grills that sizzle away bugers.
your college grad friends have something going for them, provided they went into a field that holds an interest for them.