- McJobs and Workers -
you actually think homelessness is better?
Posted by: McDWorker ( Canada ) on June 03, 1999 at 00:00:03:
In Reply to: its hell posted by Kate on June 02, 1999 at 18:16:57:

: I could go on whinging for hours, but suffice to say I bear a slight grudge against mcDonalds. You can never be desperate enough to work there...there's always a better option..........homelessness for example. Sorry you had a bad experince, but you actually think homelessness is better? Why dont you try it then tell us about it, which would be kinda hard cause you wouldn;t have a computer, and I guess you would have no energy because you wouldn't be eating on a regular basis...spending your days roaming around wondering where you next meal is gonna come from and when it would be.....Being at the mercy of people walking buy, being chased by the cops for loitering....Oh yeah, thats a better option! Grow Up! I cant believe that they actually made you work!! the nerve!

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