: I've seen a lot of applications at McDonald's throughout the years and have not seen any of those questions. Where do you guys make this stuff up?Granted, the questions are paraphrased, and the story of the author being hired is probably false, but I've read plenty of answers like those on fast food job applications.
In response to "Have you ever been convicted of a felony offense?", an applicant wrote "They couldn't prove it", and another wrote "it was overturned."
My favorites are the responses to the "reason for leaving" blank on the listings for past employment. I'm not making these up; I've read "alcoholism", "it got in the way of my drug habit", "hated it", "they were assholes", "my P.O. made me quit". A P.O. is a probation officer.
None of those applicants were hired, but a few were interviewed to see if they were truthful in their applications, and they were. Most of them smelled of liquor.
Hugh Morris