- McJobs and Workers -
We also have full fields here in England
Posted by: Dawn ( England ) on March 11, 1999 at 11:47:05:
In Reply to: In Canada, we also have full field... posted by McDWorker on November 04, 1998 at 11:50:11:

: In Canada, we also have full field...i don't like it,you can't judge a store based on less then a day of observation..I refuse to work when they have full field, eventhough I've been asked many times for I'm one of the best in my store {according to the mgrs}We also have full fields here in England, and to be perfectly honest with you they are full of shit. How can anyone judge the effortd of the crew who are frightened even to go to the toilet let alone have a break.The managers are running round like headless chickens, talk about hussle. The lobby crew are not really included in the full field except for maybe one of us is asked our ocl's. Please stop frightening the crew with these silly tests.

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