- McJobs and Workers -
Sometimes though ...
Posted by: McDsWorker ( ?, Canada ) on November 22, 1998 at 12:44:32:
In Reply to: are problems real or percieved posted by mike on November 18, 1998 at 20:33:17:

I really do like where I work, and for the most part the management are genuinely decent people. Sometimes though (before the threat of us forming a union, the crew would get overlooked or would be put at the bottom of the list of important things to acknowledge, solve, deal with etc. Now it feels as if(even if it is because of a threat) that we have more of a voice and that we are being taken to more seriously. This is one of the objectives of a union, if we can get there without having to organize a union, then I'm happy. As for the managers themselves, there all pretty good people. I was recently transfered from the one where I used to work, as there was a manager there who was trying to fire me. Also we didn't get along at all on a personal level. Another thing, which you can find at any type of job, is mangers on a power trip, or who play mind games. Now that there's a threat of a union, all of this type of shit has stopped, and the ones who used to be jerks have smartened up and are treating us with some decent respect. It was only a few who used to be like that, though, and the majority of them are fine. As for safety concerns, it was just little things, such as, fixing the DT window, which sometimes would painfully slam on your arms. Basically, just small things that needed to be fixed, ie: a few uneven tiles on the floor. These things weren't being done before when it was mentioned, and are now being taken care of right away. The threat of us forming a union is giving us more power and influence, which I'm all for.

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