: What about those people who smell like weed when they come up to turn thier applications in? Do they actually think we are going to hire them? Thier application goes directly in the trash. Once, I had an applicant who I couldn't tell if they were serious, or just trying to be cute. On the blank which asks, "Have you ever been convicted of a felony?", the applicant wrote, "they couldn't prove it".
On the blank which asks, "If hired, how long do you expect to work here?", the applicant wrote, "until I get fired".
Fully one-third of the words on his application were misspelled. He even misspelled "taco bell" in the work experience section of the application, even though the name Taco Bell is printed in the application several times.
Lastly, he listed three different restaurants in the work experience section of the application (Wendy's, McDonald's--misspelled, Arby's), and worked at each of them for two weeks. Under the "reason for leaving" heading, the responses were "it didn't work out", "not enough hours" (that one is always BS; if you're any good, you will get more hours than you could ever want), and "the boss wasn't fair to me".
This application was kept for everyone to read and laugh at before it was tossed out.
Here's an aside--if an applicant writes that they had a single job for several years, but that company went out of business and nobody that worked there can be reached now, that is sometimes a method of hiding the fact that they have been incarcerated in prison. Ex-cons, please be honest; you can still get a job at Taco Bell if you are honest about your past, if indeed that's where you want to work.
We're An Equal Opportunity Insulter,
Hugh Morris