- McJobs and Workers -
If you have ever worked at McD's
Posted by: Kalvin Chapman ( uk ) on October 27, 1998 at 14:05:42:
In Reply to: Health & safety, or lack of posted by Kalvin Chapman on October 14, 1998 at 19:33:30:

As discussed in my previous message, I am trying to nail McDonalds because I fractured my back whilst at work there. I have since discovered that I have what may be a terminal illness, so the faster I receive statements the better. I need this money NOW, and not in two years time. I may not be alive that long.If you have ever worked at McD's, as anything, but especialy on closes I need your help. I need statements that will explain what the state of the floor is like in the back room after a close. Is it swimming with greasy water, or is it just a thin vaneer of water, due to the dive? If you can make a statement that you assume will help me, please email me asap, I need the help.

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