Hey - there is life on the outside you know !All you have to do is look for something else ! For a long time I wasn't happy (with my franchisee), but I did nothing about it, which made me feel even worse. I almost despised myself for being too lazy or too weak to go out there an look for a better job. Of course, all jobs have their down sides, but when there are more downs than ups it's time to get out.
The problem is that with McD's, managers become institutionalised. There is a HUGE system that coccoons and to some extent restricts. I know I felt like a piece of equipment, just going through the procedures (and there is only one way - the McD's way !). After a while, I lost confidence in my ability to do anything other than McD's. I couldn't imagine myself BEING ABLE to do anything else, which was a very low point. So I sat down, and made a list of all my skills and abilities. I was able to make quite a long list, and it was then I realised how much I actually had to offer. Certainly McD's taught me most of it, but I reached the point where I realised that the experience was mine, to use as I liked.
So now I am going to use it - somewhere else. And I am looking forward to developing my own individual management style. I can only encourage you to do the same, from the moment I decided to leave and handed in my resignation, I felt as though a huge burden had been lifted from my shoulders.
Good Luck, and stay in touch ! May I suggest that you pay a visit to the Fast Food Debating Forum ? We can talk more there.
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