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Yuktoong!! fearless leader
Posted by: Wayne ( New Zealand ) on October 24, 1998 at 11:13:40:
In Reply to: OK, look... posted by Shaun on October 23, 1998 at 00:59:43:

1. People can talk to you about anything but you'll still get them to quit if they don't do what you want. 2. I doesn't matter what the protest or dispute is about if they walk off the floor you'll fire them. 3. Staff are just number at the end of all the nicities and it doesn't matter to you that they feel the need to cease their employment because they cannot get a problem resolved. 4. You have a DO IT OR ELSE ATTITUDE. I don't care if you don't want to clean the dining room.It's too bad. ?? have they been trained ?? ten to one says they won't clean the dining room cause they've never seen your sorry arse out there leading by example.Some lateral thinking by some of the brass would be a better way of solving these issues. Fearless leader! King of the Mountain! mate your'e going to fall down hard mate and with the attitude you've got to dealing with problems there will be no one there to help you on you feet.

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