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The fiasco!
Posted by: floyd ( Hypocrytes-R-Us, Un Saved Atheist ) on October 21, 1998 at 01:32:44:
In Reply to: The fiasco posted by Shaun on October 10, 1998 at 11:53:29:

(Hi TD & S, did you miss me?) The "unfortunate" (read "inevitable") fiasco was that Jim Baker was one of the most outspoken "defenders of morality" and among the most likely to condemn other people for not living up to his moral code. He was first arrested and convicted for soliciting a prostitute and, after his jail term and his divorce from Tammy Faye, later arrested and convicted of soliciting a male prostitute (underage) if I'm not mistaken. The true "fiasco" in all this is that even after he'd been accused, tried, and convicted of these "crimes" (which arguably shouldn't be crimes in the first place) people still sent in their paychecks. The Bakers, like most of their Ilk, were the most pernicious hypocrytes around. The louder someone shouts about other folks' morality, the more likely their own is questionable. Still, "hypocricy is the greatest luxury, raise the double standard!" Are any of us absolutely consistent? What he did wasn't a big deal, IMHO; the effort he put into condemning others was his real "sin". -Floyd

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