- McJobs and Workers -
the Corporation
Posted by: Donna on October 14, 1998 at 23:30:50:

Writing this letter I face termination of my job, which if necessary I'm prepared for, but I'm sick of being bullied around by the coporation, it's time I spoke out. Ever since I was a kid I loved McDonald's, my parents loved the gleam in my eyes when i unwrapped my happy meal toy from its plastic wrap. It was through my love of the company that I joined it when I turned 16. At first everything was nice, I loved it, I had fun, then I got in the "inner circle." I learned certain managers were exploiting kids by changing their birthdates to avoid labor violations. It was totally mind blowing. I learned about the terror tactics they used on innocent kids, it was horrendous. Yet I thought i could make a difference. Thankfully the managers I started with, after having been found out, were terminated, or quit. Then I joined the ranks. As a former corporate manager once told me, his name Scott, "Once you go corp., McDonald's owns you." And that statement is very true. The corporation bullies their managers heavily and uses threats. Going corporate basically means becoming a slave. Though you might make 25,000$ a year, is working 100 hours a week worth it? No matter how many hours you work or time you spend there, if you slip up once, you are through, you are told you are burnt out or incompetent. The corporation has its managers like chess pieces. If one pawn quits, your replacement is ready. They don't care about you. They don't care about the kids they make us exploit. The corporation is terrible, it's time my story was told.

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