: : i think that unions are great.they are the things i like to see.i want a union in my store.why you ask?because McDonalds sucks!!!I HATE WORKING FOR THIS COMPANY IT BLOWS IT STINKS RONALD CAN SUCK MY @$!^&* ASS!: Why don't you do McDonalds a favor and quit. If thats how you feel than believe me, McDonalds doesn't want you. Since you still work there it must not be as bad a place as you thought so shut up.
Qx: OK. So he posted some bad words. What's the big deal here? Can't you handle the fact that this website is a free speech zone? McDonald's needs a worker's organization and believe me the unions are coming big time. Just by telling someone to shut up on this bulletin shows what kind of mentality is being cultivated in the fast food industry.
Do you think Burger King is so good to it's workers? Why is it a billion dollar corporation while the majority of workers are being paid such low wages with no representation? Why has there been so much abuse of employees in the fastfood industry? Why are there so many supporters of the fastfood industry here who become shriller and shriller as the protests and organizing drives get into gear?
Because there hasn't been much dissent until recently. It's about time so you might as well get used to it. Burger King and McDonald's exists to maximize profit and not to uplift the workers. Don't let the rap sessions get to you too much because McDoanld's corporate intentions are far different that what Fred Turner and the rest of the boys at Hamburger University would like to let on.