- McJobs and Workers -
Interesting Timing McOnesided
Posted by: Dan ( I smell crack, where's Marion, USA ) on October 08, 1998 at 03:34:51:
In Reply to: we have something in common, hey Qx! posted by McDWorker on October 06, 1998 at 21:14:53:

: -- : McSpotlight: This is just bickering, OK?Interesting fucking note, I would believe the bickering started one post back. Then I stated this in another post. Post everything (disregarding spam ofcourse) or post nothing. An keep your comments to yourself, it only shows how one sided you are. Ecspecially when you put the long comments on how fair you are.

Follow Ups:
- who?? McDWorker Canada October 09 1998
- Yup Dan The start The End The Marion USA October 09 1998