- McJobs and Workers -
Concerned Parent and Customer
Posted by: Chris ( USA ) on September 28, 1998 at 10:13:59:

As I have been going to a specific McDonald's restaurant in my local area, I have noticed that this store is run by kids! The store manager is 21 years old, all the other managers are 19 years or less. These managers are dating employees, giving away all kinds of food, telling customers 1 hour before closing that " you better not eat that, I do not think it will be very good ". Order fish and ask to add lettuce, and they take a holding sandwich, open it, dump on the lettuce, close and rewrap. These are only a few of my experiences, and it amazes me that I know this is a $2,000,000. + sales operation. One of the young managers showed me some paperwork. If anyone is interested in any more of my thoughts or why I go there, contact me. I was trying to find a comment section on the McDonald's Web page, to no avail. If anyone knows where I can voice my concerns to the Corporation, I would appreciate it. The managers there laugh at me.Chris Wellington, Fl Wwindflch@aol.com

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