- McJobs and Workers -
some names for you
Posted by: Mc Denmark ( Mc Denmark, Denmark ) on September 25, 1998 at 00:31:06:
In Reply to: Mc Donalds, a nice place to work posted by Mc Denmark on September 24, 1998 at 00:17:28:

I saw it on danisch local television, and year they all agreed, in DK Mcd people are well paid, and there are also a lot af student as my self, its a respektet job and also well paid!!!! about 14 dollars a hour plus flex, night etc.The managers and the crew are hanging together after work etc. we are also invited to big parties at oure francise's home 4 times a year, and oure restaurant is not special in Denmark. There are Mcd in a lot of other countries than the UK and US, maybe you were too fast when you judged the Mcd corporation !!! We think!!!! Drop this silly war agains the mcd: Anders, Michael, Peter, Jan, Lars, Dennis, søren, Anders J, Bo, Louise, Vicky, Dorthe, Trine...... Do we have to write all the names behind this answer???

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