- McJobs and Workers -
Posted by: Michael Wayne Bacon ( TEXA$, USA ) on September 06, 1998 at 11:17:16:
In Reply to: Re:ally? posted by Samuel Day Fassbinder on September 04, 1998 at 10:44:13:

Well Sam I'm not against employees' organizations and quality work circles, but many national unions have their downsides. If I remember right, when railroad companies went to diesel-electrics, union rules dictated that a "fireman" be present right beside the engineer, even though there was no coal, of course, to be shovelled into a furnace to heat a boiler. i.e. they had have a guy on the payroll who did practically nothing, making him about as useful as tonsils and your appendix. It's also my understanding that union rules mandated a caboose for many years, although the diesel trains didn't need them.As for McDonald's employees, God only knows what sort of ridiculous requirements they could be pushing for. Maybe $20 an hour, AND a free, all-you-can-eat-anytime buffet? And the "right" to walk out any time they even "think" the owner or management is being "mean" to them? It could get to the point where you have to watch the way you correct an employee whose performance is way below par. It may also be more difficult to terminate him than it is a government employee, should he turn out to really be a loser. In closing, I'm glad I didn't buy a Chevy last year, though this was unlikely anyway. The Ford employees seem much more loyal (oops! that dirty word!). Mike.

Follow Ups:
- Don't tease me! Samuel Day Fassbinder Citizens for Mustard Greens USA September 06 1998