- McJobs and Workers -
Whoa, wait a second
Posted by: Shaun ( USA ) on August 23, 1998 at 09:59:44:
In Reply to: I agree but!!!!! posted by Adrian on August 20, 1998 at 10:21:39:
Maybe in Australia McD owns 85% of fast food business, but in the USA its more like less than 40% Most people here prefer Burger King to McDonalds, from what I hear people say. I hate McDonalds, its not just because I work for BK either. McDonalds food has shrunk over the past 2 years. Hamburgers and Chicken sandwiches arer half the size they were a couple years ago. Not only that, but thier fries are no longer the same. Usually the McD fries are not hot or salty. They sure have changed over the past 2 or 3 years, a lot of people agree. In the business section of our newspaper a couple months ago there was a front page article about McDonalds vs. Burger King. It said that even though ther are almost twice as many McD than BK, McD's sales are slowing down every year, meanwhile BK and even Wendy's sales are increasing every year. It said how the average BK restaurant is catching up and sales are almost the same sales as the Average McD restaurant. More BK stores are being built now than McD stores. Obviously other people are realizing how McDonalds quality of service, and especially food quality, is slipping. I know the its not the McD managers who are too blame, I know they do thier best, its the McD corporation who decided to make its food smaller. Even though McD sales are higher than BK, I will bet that my BK store has more customers than the McD down the road. Everytime I go to that McD or drive by, they are never ever busy as us. McD better start shaping up before even more of thier customers quit going there.
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