- McJobs and Workers -
The McDonald's Corporation would never allow it
Posted by: A McD Worker ( Canada ) on August 20, 1998 at 00:01:38:
In Reply to: The employees should organize and fire the boss!!! posted by BASE727{mad cow patrol} on August 02, 1998 at 21:37:57:

: BASE727: Bringing in unions would be the best idea yet. And the workers would get their fair share of the pie. You honeslty think bringing in unions would be the best idea WRONG!! As an experinced McD worker let me tell ya that if stores started to bring in unions the MCD corp who controls all stores would not tolerate this.. those stores that wanted a union would close leaving many unemloyed! the McD corp would just simply close the restaurant and relocate elswhere hiring an all new staff! it has happened! Unions wouldn't solve problems, they would creat even more!

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