- McJobs and Workers -
Keep the unions out - McD's is supposed to be crappy work
Posted by: C.Jones ( ex-McDonald's employee, Montreal, Canada ) on August 16, 1998 at 10:14:32:
In Reply to: Free food posted by Karen on August 11, 1998 at 10:42:20:

I worked at a company store from 1987 to 1989, when I started I got one free meal per 5 hour shift, 2 free meals for an 8 hour shift. I gained 30 pounds in the 1st 6 months!McDonald's is a great place for a first job (and it was my first job), it gave me work and social skills that I carry with me to this day (though I'll never work in the food industry again!). I also got my 2nd job because of McDonald's, a regular customer hired me as a dental assistant. And I say keep the unions out. Do you really want to give them a cut of what little you make? It's supposed to be crappy job. Who wants to work there for the rest of their lives?

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