- McJobs and Workers -
Kallie, there's no question that your complaints are legitimate.
Posted by: Sorel ( Auto-Free Times, USA ) on August 11, 1998 at 10:07:29:
In Reply to: COMPLAINTS posted by kallie on August 08, 1998 at 10:18:26:

: i work at mcd's in iowa and i've had friends try to call in sick but the mgr. won't let them cause otherwise they'd be understaffed, so he was forced to go to work with a 104 temp. Kallie, there's no question that your complaints are legitimate. Nor is this some isolated case. Whenever you work for someone who's number one concern is to make profits for himself, conflicts are bound to arise as the drive for private gain pushes aside human rights standards, social concerns of the workers (which they consider to be a "cost" that should be reduced as much as possible), and environmental health. The question is are you willing to join forces with organizations whose values stand in their way? Sorel

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