- McJobs and Workers -
Did you impersonate me too?
Posted by: Mike Bacon (Real McCoy!) ( Texas, USA ) on August 04, 1998 at 10:03:55:
In Reply to: OKAY, I CONFESS... posted by Jim Fellini on August 03, 1998 at 09:46:44:

Jim, if you also impersonated me with that tasteless "split personalities" post, I really didn't appreciate that! And were you really a company plant?C'mon! Be honest with yourself and the rest of us. As far as I'm concerned you're welcome to voice your opinions as well as the rest of us. But again, do it under your own name! The TD's are nice people, and I don't want them thinking bad of me. My opinion on McDonald's and business in general: I'm not against their existance, but I don't agree with everything they do. If the Macedonia location was ridden with severe problems, then a responsible person at corporate or the regional office needs to make sure those problems are eliminated. I kind of think both sides there had valid, and bad, arguments. It doesn't appear it was a one-headed coin. Have a day! Mike.

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