- McJobs and Workers -
I DID NOT post the above message!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Mike Bacon (Real one!) ( Texas, USA ) on July 31, 1998 at 18:17:55:
In Reply to: There's only TWO split personalities... posted by Mike Bacon on July 29, 1998 at 18:42:26:

TD's, that was NOT ME that posted that nasty message! It looks like the impersonator from last year has reared his ugly head again. You two make many a good point in your postings, and help make this place much more interesting. To everyone on this board: My mission is not to personally attack any poster regardless of their views. To the impersonator, I'll thank you not to use my name when you post in these rooms, especially if you're going to launch nasty attacks like that one. Use your own name or find a screen name! Have a day! Mike.

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