- McJobs and Workers -
Your lucky
Posted by: Dorris ( Australia ) on July 07, 1998 at 13:09:51:
In Reply to: Ode to the managers. posted by Jane on July 06, 1998 at 14:34:38:

I am so glad that your managers are nice to you because the managers at my McD's aren't nearly that nice. They are continually putting you down and being mean to you and shouting at you. I guess I am used to it now but at first I was so scared to go to work each shift and I wouldd beg for my mum and brothers to ring up sick for me, not because I was scared of working but because I was scared of the managers telling me off. A couple of them are nice but 8/10 of them are mean and nasty and have two faced characters, one for the customers and other managers and one for the under payed employees. As a 15 year old I only get $5.05 an hour and as soon as it is quite the managers become nice to you and persuade you to go on a break so they don't have to pay for you tostand around and pretend to be busy. Most of the time there is at least 2 people on breaks. I know I work at a big store but it should be the managers fault if it is not busy and they have over-rostered people, It should not be the workers that have to pay for there mistakes. I wish my managers were nice

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