- McJobs and Workers -
Canada Working Conditions
Posted by: Pat McIver ( Canada ) on June 30, 1998 at 18:50:08:

I have been browsing through this site, and have heard the compliants about other stores in other countries, and I find it almost hard to believe. I work at a franchise store in Canada, and I know firsthand that the working conditions are pretty much like any other restaurant or business. I am not forced to work long, busy hours, am scheduled a fair number of shifts a week and am respect by all levels of management. Sure, 90% of the employees are below 21, but it makes it more enjoying to work with people of your own age. Sure, the shifts are only 3.5 hours long, but when you are a teenager attending school and maintaining a social life, would you want to work any longer?? I believe most of the people at my restaurant are there for spending money; if you are looking for a career move at McDonalds, then maybe you should reconsider. McDonalds is great for providing a reference and a headstart into the working world, and not as a lifetime move, which i believe is behind the unionization movement.

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