- McJobs and Workers -
Some of it justified, some of it not.
Posted by: CH ( Australia ) on June 01, 1998 at 10:56:28:
In Reply to: YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED posted by BR on May 26, 1998 at 09:33:01:

Yay! Someone who agrees with me! (I tell you if I find out you work at my store remind me to throw myself off something very high in complete embarassment will you please) While I am not saying that McDonalds is the world class place to work it likes to describe itself as, it's also the victim of being a fashionable target. It's an easy dig. Some of it justified, some of it not. The thing is it provides a great first job. No one says that you must follow it through as a career path but if the only reason you join the company is this, it looks GREAT on your CV. I mean it is an okay place to work. Yeah you have to work. Big deal, if it comes down to it, what else would you be doing? It might be just that I work in a great store (more embarassment if I work with any of you)but I agree with BR, it's world class training, it can be an awful lot of fun if you just look at it the right way and while I'm not defending it completely, if you look at it's entire attitude to service etc etc. and compare it with a lot of the 'better' fast food chains I know where I'd prefer to be.

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