- McJobs and Workers -
Just some stuff on the union thing.
Posted by: Stephen Dyer ( Akron Beacon Journal, USA ) on May 27, 1998 at 09:58:22:
In Reply to: Any comments on those union facts (or myths)? posted by B on May 26, 1998 at 09:54:48:

Just some stuff on the union thing. In the U.S. it's 30 not 50 percent approval and union dues run twice the average wage. so if the average wage at your McD's is 6.50, you'd pay 13 a month. One of the reasons unions are telling me they don't organize fast-food places is because the dues are so low. I believe the other stuff is true. Waht unions do offer is a grievance procedure, which is what the macedonia store is pushibng for. In other words, you can't get fired just because if you're in a union. it gives employees the chance to defend themselves. that's what the union and strikers are telling me at least.

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