- McJobs and Workers -
you must work in one of the exception stores.
Posted by: M@ ( McHate, USA ) on May 21, 1998 at 09:54:51:
In Reply to: EMPLOYEMENT ADVACMENT posted by LISA on May 20, 1998 at 09:30:03:

you must work in one of the exception stores. I have been at my store for about 1 1/2 years and what have i got in this time? A raise of 5 cents!!! Even though my work is obviously vauleable (my last preformance SOC was scored at about 98 out of 100). I am still crew even though i have asked for a promotion a few times. I have even been there longer than the 1st asst. manager. She was there for only 8 weeks before she made manager. Just because she kissed the old managers ass till it was clean. You must know someone or have slept with someone at your McSlavery's

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