- McJobs and Workers -
Ripping off McDonalds
Posted by: Ben Johnson ( USA, USA ) on May 19, 1998 at 09:54:20:

I work at McDonalds, and I like to steal the bags of Fudge, Carmel, and Strawbury, Sunday toppings... also I like to give all my friends free food when my managers are not looking. I HATE working with all the damn Mexicans... their idiots who don't know how to read... The President of McDonalds must be the jewish person in the world... I've worked their for 2 years and I just got a rise from $5.15 to $6.00 yea!!! when all the new employees start at $6.00 What the Hell???-- McSpotlight: however, racism isn't going to make you any more popular...

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