- McJobs and Workers -Leaflet-writers have got their facts wrongIn Reply to: We hate Mc Donalds' posted by Jedd Paddy on May 15, 1998 at 11:08:53:
I have worked at McDonald's for eight months now. Last night while working, I discovered flyers entitiled "So, what's it like to have a McJob?", all around the restaurant, with no one in sight. With statements like "no Overtime Policy"--it is obvious that the person/s who wrote and distributed these have no insight into what goes on in our restaurants. If you were to look at my pay stubs, you'd notice the column that says "overtime pay", and see the hours that I worked that were overtime (over 8 hrs/day, 40 hrs/week), and the payment that I received. Another ridiculous statement on the flyer addressed the fact that McDonald's hours are decided by sales. Of Course!!! What business would schedule more employees during the times which we know are not busy at all? Another great statement is that "McDonald's Workers Have No Say". I participated in a rap session/focus meeting two days ago. Believe me, I had a say. ![]() None.