- McJobs and Workers -
Posted by: Monica Moody ( University of Lethbridge, Canada ) on May 12, 1998 at 10:42:07:

I am cuurently doing a project for a management course and I am interested in interviewing someone in a managerial positoin. If any of you managers out there have a few minutes could you please answer these following questions? 1. Describe a typical day at work? 2. What are the most critical problems you face as a manager? 3. What are the majpor reasons managers fail in positions like yours? 4. If you had to train someone to fill your current job,what key abilities would you focus on? 5. What are the most critical skills needed to be a successful manager in your feild? 6. What are the outstanding skills or abilities of other managers you have known? This information remains confidential and if you choose you I do not need any names, thanks for your time!! Monica Moody

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