- McJobs and Workers -
THirteen Years of Hell
Posted by: Caring Angel ( USA ) on May 01, 1998 at 10:55:48:

I've worked for McD's 13 years, some good, some bad.I eventually worked my way to Manager until Dec. 97 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, then everything went downhill. I was told for years I had an attitude problem when I was only trying to improve the workplace. I was told by my crew that they loved me but I was told by my store owner that everyone hated me. I received such verbal abuse that I was forced to quit because I couldn't handle the stress of cancer and lack of support from employer. I had returned to work two weeks after a partial mastectomy and tried not to cause any hardship on my employer by being out of work. I've been working continuously through the six months of chemo but when I call off one day due to feeling ill I an ostracized. Although I love working with the customers and the crew I am in mourning at the loss of my work family. Due to the tactics of getting employees to quit so they don't have to fire them I am now out of a job. If anyone has any complaints they can call Corp. headquarters in Oak Brook, Ill. at 1-630-623-3000If anyone has any ideas of how I can fight this injustice PLEASE e-mail me at the above address

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