- McJobs and Workers -
not much to live on at all
Posted by: Janster ( USA ) on April 17, 1998 at 17:18:01:
In Reply to: How McDonalds has changed my life. posted by Keith Smith on January 18, 1997 at 19:35:57:

Keep up the good work and attitude!! I worked for McDonalds for 9 years from age 16 to age 25. I started as a crew member and ended up as an Assistant Manager. I just wanted to say that....Yes, McDonalds has taught me a lot of things that has given me a better future and I will always remember where that came from. However, here in the U.S.A....McDonalds is seen as the 'bottom of the barrel' job for most people. The pay does not exceed much over the minimum wage and that is not much to live on at all. In fact, you couldn't support yourself on it comfortably. It's because of these reasons, McDonalds in the U.S.A has trouble getting good quality employees and has a even worse time keeping them. You're average age of employees at McDonalds is probably 17 years old. Much of our teenage society in this day and age doesn't care to work or doesn't want to work. Because of thise, customers are getting poor service and poor quality because of the work force that doesn't care. It sounds like McDonads image over there is regarded as the highest, and I hope it remains that way. Keep up your attitude and keep setting the example for your co-workers to follow. As for me.....I finally left McDonalds 4 years ago for many reasons. Work schedule was poor (5 hour sleep turnover), pay was not good ($7.15hr), and the stress level was high. I found another job paying ($9.00 hour) to start without any experience and a regular schedule with 12 hours turnover between shifts. This is the many reasons why they have problems keeping good quality employees.

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