- Multinationals -
Aspartame (Nutra Sweet) Poisoning
Posted by: Susie P. ( Louisiana ) on February 11, 1999 at 11:07:32:

I am a true believer in the destructive chemical sweetener, Aspartame. After suffering from migraines and being diagnosed with an unexplained seizure disorder, I took my husband's advice (he is a critical care registered nurse), and I refrained from ingestig anything containing Aspartame. I am extremely happy to say that I have been off of this "silent killer" for 8 weeks and have not suffered one migraine headache or a seizure during this time. Currently, I am no longer taking any of the drugs which were previously prescribed for these problems. Needless to say, I am letting friends and relatives know how this chemical can destroy their lives. I firmly believe that it should be removed from our diets.

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