- Multinationals -Oh Really?
The previous page read something about adding 28 years to our already berden-some life span. Have any of you people ever heard of Natural Selection?-the process in which nature survives through survival (evolution) of the fittest. These wonderful antidotes are possibly degenerating the gene cycle. Most of these antidotes are invented through animal testing. Animal testing is wrong and so is human testing. I realize that society as a whole is not capable of seeing the effects of our technology. For example: Premature babies are being born at an even higher rate than ever (per 1000) births. This is a 5% increase in the last 10 years. My philosophy is this, premature birth happens as a result of an abnormality in the pregnancy, due to what? It doesn't matter. So when a premie is born and LIVES it goes on to reproduce and distribute that same gene that. ![]() None.