- Multinationals -
animal testing is horrible
Posted by: Dr. Miracola on February 01, 1999 at 18:47:12:

How could anyone justify the fact that more than 17million animals are being killed in one year and many more are going through pain and sufferage? . Picture having your vocal chords cut off inorder so that you may not complain,having your jaws sewed together, or having a paralizing potion injected in you so that you can't move but nevertheless still feel the pain. Well all these things occur to the animals during testing. I believe they should reduce the numbers of animals used for testing, refine the methods used during testing to lesson animals pain ,and finally find alternatives to animal testing. Remember that many alternatives already exist. -- McSpotlight: Look, I don't want to appear harsh here, but we've had many other people all saying the same thing already in this thread; it's a thread more appropriate to the Anything Else room and I'm asking nicely that anyone who wants to continue the debate takes it there, since it's fulling up the Multinationals Room.

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