- Multinationals -
How can you actually think that coke is doing anything wrong.
Posted by: Brendon Jamesto ( Duffield School, CANADA'S #1!!!!!!!!!!!! ) on January 29, 1999 at 10:35:23:
In Reply to: Anti-Coke posted by María Clara Eyhérabide on November 08, 1998 at 19:23:44:

How can you actually think that coke is doing anything wrong. What kinds of health risks do you think coke can cause? If there is some-thing wrong with coke there is sonething wrong with all the other pops too. MacDonalds hasn't done anything wrong either other than make a very famous fast food restaurant and id there is something wrong with that there is also something wrong with A&W,KFC,Wendy's,etc. Nike I do have a problem with because of the slavery they cause so many kids in poverty stiken society's. Animal testing is good because scientists have found so many cures for so many diseases that would have killed many innocent people in the past. They will continue to save lives in the future if animal testing continues.

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