- Multinationals -
We can not use them to survive because we do not allow them to use us.
Posted by: AnimalsDeserveMore ( USA ) on January 25, 1999 at 12:06:35:
In Reply to: Aniaml testing posted by Bryony on October 24, 1998 at 11:22:24:

: Ho can you justify that Animlas are just as important as Humans? Humans have alwyas come above animlas in life, so why does it need to change now? If it really came down to I am sure that you would be prepared to sacrifice the lives of a few lab rats in order to cure your mother or friend of a life threatening illness : Animals use each other to survive on so why can't we?We can not use them to survive because we do not allow them to use us. If a wild animal attacks or kills a human that animal is killed. Who said that Humans were more important than animals or superior to animals. The animals have shown themselves to be smarter. Before Humans took control their was a balance. Everything used everything but humans have not allowed themselves to be used so the chain has been broken. Another thing that shows the animals as being smarter is that they are not killing the planet. Humans are poisoning the planet and killing all of the animals and plants. The animals do not pollute, litter, or cut down forests.

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