- Multinationals -Debating Room
I have read a few of the comments that people have written in the Debating Room and quite frankly, I don't think some people have any idea of really what goes on in these fast food restaurants. Let me introduce myself, I am a so called "Restaurant Manager" in one of the many Hungry Jack's restaurants found Australia-wide and such things such as exploitation, and crap-greasy food is a load of crock. It's the individual's choice of whether they choose to eat the food or not. We are simply like all other organisations, just trying to run a business in the most profitable way possible. We look after our staff and do not "screw people" over (to the two girls in Adelaide). If employees do the right thing by their employer, then we go out of our way to treat the staff like gold. I have been working for the company for 14 years, and I too was a staff member and when I was 15 years old, I had the same idea of the two young girls in Adelaide. I used to think that the managers were a bunch of idiots. Also girls, just take note that the rosters aren't as easy as you think they are. I'm sure your managers tell you over and over again, to plan your social life around work, not vice-versa. And remember that when you RTO, request time off, that this is simply a REQUEST and not a DEMAND!!! It is fair enough to say that some managers aren't so professional, because I have seen many young managers alias CADET managers working and quite frankly, their idea of Managing is standing around talking to the crew and simply neglecting the whole concept of why they are at work in the first place. That is one of my qualms as being in a Managerial position, is when these so called CADET managers come in and think that they know everything, when really they have no notion of what is going on. To anyone who is reading this and works in a Hungry Jack's store, I'm sure your probably thinking, who the hell is this nutter, but in your own minds, you know exactly what it is that I am talking about. Now, I feel much better. Just remember, that I will be in a store near you, so watch out!!! ![]()