- Multinationals -
stats : Without animal testing...
Posted by: Susie ( usa ) on December 06, 1998 at 21:58:21:

"W/out animal reasearch: -Poilo would kill or cripple thousands of unvaccinated children and adults this year -most of nations 1 million insulin-dependent diabetics wouldn 't be insulin dependant--they would be dead. -60 mill Americans would risk death from heart attack, stroke or kidney failure from lack of medication to control high blood pressure -More than 1 million americans would lose wision in at leatst 1 eye this year b/c cararact surgury would be impossible -the mors than 100.000 people w/ arthritis who each yr receive hip replacements would walk only w/ great pain and difficulty or be confined to wheelchairs -surgery of any type wopuld be painful, rare procedure w/o the development of modern anesthesia *Millions of dogs, cats, and other pets and farm animals would have died from anthrax, distemper, canine parvovirus, felineleukemia, rabies and more than 200 other diseases now preventable thanks to animal reasearch"

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