- Multinationals -animal testing is justified
Animal testing is justified and should go on for many obvious reasons. First of all, we would not have insulin for diabetics, chemotherapy for cancer patients, and out life span would not be 28 years longer. Animal testing has attributed to our society in many ways and it should continue. Think about someone in your family who has survived cancer or some serious disease. Than be glad that animal testing took place so your relative and millions of other people are still alive. Next, think of yourself, if as a child you were not given vaccines for polio, rubella, or chicken pox you would probably be very sick and in a wheel chair. Don't shune animal testing until you get the facts. Be grateful to those furry creatures that went through hell so we can be here today. Just think, in 50 years all the new technology we will have. Then maybe we won't have to test on animals. but until than the testing must go on. Get the facts first. ![]()