- Multinationals -
I think the government should be endlessly carrying anyone who needs it
Posted by: Carl Kenner ( Democratic Socialist, Australia ) on September 28, 1998 at 19:35:12:
In Reply to: I dont think the government should be endlessly carrying anyone posted by Dan on March 20, 1998 at 10:04:53:

Nobody in their right mind believes it is possible to have zero unemployment. And if the unemployed aren't supported they will turn to crime. Welfare is much cheaper than the justice system. It would also be disastrous if the government was forcing a class of society to work as forced labor. Also, corporate welfare usually does leach off the government for the rest of their lives, that's why corporations sponsor political parties. Fortunately most people outside of the United States do not share your beliefs.: As for Corporate welfare, they do not leach off of the government for the rest of their lives or spawn generations of inheritted welfare. I believe WORKFARE might be the solution to WELFARE but we will have to see. I believe in A HAND UP NOT A HAND OUT. This implies some form of help to get you back on your feet. I dont think the government should be endlessly carrying anyone.

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