- Multinationals -Think beyond your speciesIn Reply to: Procter and Gamble, Hmmmmmm? posted by Clifton on August 26, 1998 at 10:10:15:
Think about what you're saying ! Of course none of us are willing to have you test the products on us. That's the POINT!! Just like most of us are unwilling to kill and butcher our own meat, so we have huge companies do it for us. We are afraid to know what goes on. If we did, we wouldn't buy your products. In fact, I don't KNOW even a small fraction of what goes on in your testing labs, but I can imagine, and as a result, I DONT buy your products, and encourage as many people as I can not to. Are we so alienated from the rest of nature that we can condone torture and buy into torture by supporting companies like Procer and Gamble who do our dirty work for us? Find alternatives. Read your labels, look for animal friendly products in alternative stores and health stores, or better yet, reduce your consumption of these products. Think beyond your species for once! ![]() None.