- Multinationals -
about mc mierda and others things
Posted by: jacobo im sxe ( about mcmierda, mazatlan,sin. mexico ) on July 13, 1998 at 10:20:54:

hi my name is jacobo and i talking about mc donalds, by the way i doing a movement and protest againts the mc donalds, for now we are only 4 persons and we are a sxe.punx,ecology, animal rights,againts multinationals,againtscd and all multinational,againts the system,againts the religions,etc. we are a band who called "los verduras sin carne"traduccion(the vegetagbles not m e a t) we are giving flayers about mc donalds in all the city.we are dreaming how kick all multinationals. mierdas de capitalistas(capitalism shit) weŽll be more in a future. ( "los verduras sin carne").

Follow Ups:
- Que bueno Samuel Day Fassbinder Citizens for Mustard Greens USA July 14 1998