- Multinationals -
Animal testing Information and Advice
Posted by: Thop ( H-R Consultants, UK ) on May 07, 1998 at 17:08:10:
In Reply to: animal testing weighing pros and cons posted by Veronica Shum on May 04, 1998 at 12:36:41:

IN REPLY TO: -------------- : In a way, animal testing is helpful since it helps to experiment substances and other products. On the other hand, there is always that chance that it may harm the tested animals. If you have any other information or advice for me I really would appreciate it. Thank you.REPLY: ------- It is true that animal testing has been helpful, but it's not needed due to more ethical alternatives now being available. I refer to my follow-up to Hannah which is at: http://www.mcspotlight.org/debate/multis/messages/355.html

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