- Multinationals -
do not apply _at all_ to humans
Posted by: smilin' ( USA ) on February 22, 1998 at 08:18:40:
In Reply to: benifits to animal testing posted by BASE727(mad cow patrol) on February 02, 1998 at 20:10:36:

: Yes their are benifits to animal testing ,it is to make sure the : articles being tested are safe for human use i.e. medicine. As much as companies may want you to think this, the results obtained from animal testing often do not apply _at all_ to humans. Think about how different the rat/mouse or rabbit (commonly used animals) and human immune systems are... Humans also display individual behavior, which is hard to represent in animals which may be force-feed drugs and/or locked in small cages where they cannot escape or have contact with their own kind. See the PETA page or other animal-rights pages for more information.

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