- Multinationals -Jello, pigs and
Unfortunately, there is a form of bovine spongiform encephalapathy, (mad cow disease) that infects pigs! Please refer to article written by Joel Bleifuss, published by In These Times (Chicago, Illnois) May 26,1997. The article is also posted on the internet at http://www.hol.gr/nuclear/madpig2htm I am not a vegetarian, but after what I have read, I should be. It is not so much that animal meat is bad for you, it is the mass production of meat is breeding grounds for disease. A form of mad cow disease has been observed in swine as well as sheep (scrapie) and mink. The disease is passed from the breeds by the adding of animal products to the feed. In other words, after an animal is slaughtered, the remains are ground up to be used as protien supplement is the grain used to feed the animals. A new law was drafted to stop the use of some mammal protien in feed, but swine was left off the list! Therefore, swine that may be infected with this disease, may be infecting feed, which may infect other animals, and eventualy may infect us! It's not like I want to be a dooms sayer, but don't count on pigs being free from mad cow disease. ![]() None.